Monday, April 22, 2013

Question game

Today in class we started playing a game; it was very interesting.  As we got into our small groups Mr. Sweeney started giving us instructions.  First, talk amongst your selves and come up with three questions about pop-culture.  Once the class raises their hands, you patiently wait for Mr. Sweeney to call on you.  One person out of the group will announce their question and afterwards the class will respond.  Well one group was picked on and they broadcasted their question.  “Should marijuana be legalized?”  I raised my hand and pointed out that I didn’t understand why the law says that marijuana is illegal but spice is not.  First off spice puts holes in your brain with all the chemicals companies put inside them.  You will smoke more spice than you do for marijuana.  The chemicals in spice that gives you that high will only last fifteen to thirty minutes.  Secondly I have never heard of somebody dying from marijuana.  Even if you are not a smoker, sit there, soak in this information and let me know what would you choose?  It would be a hard decision…..die from the holes or go to jail.  If it was legalized we would not have to go through this predicament.     

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